Dependabot vs Renovate - build secure and uptodate software artifacts
Currently it exists two good systems to update software dependencies.
Why I should use that?
To develop a software, can be faster if you use dependencies that develop default functions. So you can use the libs to create the business logic and create a software faster.
But many dependencies need checks in the software cycle:
- you need update to the latest version or patch version to fix bugs
- you need update to get a better security, because many updates have security fixes
To reduce the manual effort, this tools help to reduce the effort
For both solution exists different integrations, as actions, as standlone instance or as gitlab runner.
The Renovate has also a dependency dashboard as issue. So the differents are in the integration. The Dependabot can integrate over settings in github, in gitlab it is necessary to use it as runner - same for renovat in gitlab.
Gitlab integration for Renovate
- Fork Runner - => it easier by forking
- Edit the renovate.json and add
"extends": [
- Add the CI Variables RENOVATE_EXTRA_FLAGS with
"--autodiscover=true --onboarding=true --autodiscover-filter=groupusernamehere/*"
- to add all you repos from username or group groupusernamehere. The runner create the necessary pullrequest with the renovate.json - Add the CI Varaible RENOVATE_TOKEN with a gitlab token to get access to the repository (scopes: api, read_user, write_repository)
- Optional GITHUB_COM_TOKEN as Variable in CI to get the Information from github packages
- Start the scheduler in your Gitlab CI to run the runner
- Check the result
More information: and
Gitlab integration dependabot
Github integration for Renovate
The best way, is to use the app :